The NC State Libraries’ website is a rich source of information and serves as a gateway to resources and services.
The D.H. Hill Jr. Library is open 24 hours/day in the fall and spring semesters. Branch libraries include: Harrye B. Lyons Design Library, Natural Resources Library, and William Rand Kenan, Jr. Library of Veterinary Medicine.
The Libraries' collections reflect the strengths of the university across disciplines. We provide demand-driven, network-based collections to the campus community in support of research and teaching. We are recognized as a national leader in building extensive research holdings in the areas of engineering, science, technology, and agriculture. The collection contains over 5.3 million volumes of books, bound journals, and government documents; over 128,000 print and electronic serial subscriptions; over 1.2 million e-books; 635 full-text databases in all disciplines and extensive digital collections; numerous video, audio, and multimedia titles; unique and rare materials in the Special Collections Research Center. The Libraries’ participation in the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN) provides convenient access to the collections of Duke University, UNC-Chapel Hill, and NC Central University.
Key spaces at the libraries include:
The James B. Hunt Jr. Library on Centennial Campus is more than the 21st-century face of NC State. It’s a place where ideas become reality and bold ambition forges beautiful solutions to global challenges.
The Libraries website provides information about and access to many services, including reference assistance, interlibrary loan, and electronic reserves. Library Course Tools web pages are available for every course offered at NC State. These customized pages include e-reserves, article databases, librarian recommendations, citation tools, IM a Librarian for help, and more. The Libraries’ Course Books on Reserves program makes over 4,500 required texts available on Course Reserves each year.
Greg Raschke, Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries