How to Grow Cannabis in 10 Easy Steps

Your Growing Cannabis Information Kit:

Get to Harvest in 10 Steps!

Home grown cannabis, big marijuana buds in hand

Cannabis legalization is spreading like wildfire across the US, Canada, and in many other countries around the world. Many people are finally allowed to legally grow their own supply of cannabis!

Are you ready to start growing weed?

Growing cannabis can seem like it’s complicated, but often it only seems that way because you haven’t been given the right information. A lot of people unintentionally make growing harder than it needs to be, but that ends now!

This cannabis growing guide will help you discover the best way to grow cannabis, for your unique situation.

Find a grow style for…

Growing cannabis plants is actually pretty straightforward, and almost anyone with a few extra minutes a day and a spare closet or a garden in the backyard can grow their own professional-quality buds at home.

What does a cannabis plant need to thrive?

In order to thrive and grow, every cannabis plant needs:

  1. Light – whether you’re using sunlight or grow lights, you must understand the light needs of a cannabis plant to get the best bud quality & yields.
  2. Growing Medium – the stuff your plants grow in; soil isn’t your only choice!
  3. Air – a well-ventilated space with good air exchange and a slight breeze is best.
  4. Temperature – A good rule of thumb for cannabis plants is if it feels too hot for you, it’s probably too hot for your plants. Just like humans, cannabis plants can die if exposed to extreme temps.
  5. Nutrients – you can buy pre-formulated nutrients that you just add to your water, or you can compost your own super soil so that it already includes all the nutrients you need.
  6. Water – like all plants and living creatures, cannabis needs water to survive and grow. Is my tap water “good enough” for growing cannabis?

When growing cannabis indoors or outdoors, you will need to ensure that it gets the proper amount of these 6 resources.

A healthy cannabis leaf - click for closeup!

How long does it take to grow cannabis?

If you planted a cannabis seed today, when is the soonest you could be actually smoking your harvest? Probably about 9 weeks with a quick-finishing autoflowering strain.

Indoor grows tend to be shorter than outdoor grows since you have more control over when the plant starts budding. Auto-flowering grows also tend to be very short. But with shorter grows, you also tend to get smaller yields. Certain strains and certain outdoor grows can take up to 7 months or more.

On average, I’d say it takes a grower about 3 – 5 months to grow, harvest, and cure their own buds.

A sundial shows the time - how much time does it take to grow a cannabis plant?

Don’t Make the 3 Most Common Cannabis Growing Mistakes!

  1. One of the most common mistakes by new cannabis growers is conducting spur-of-the-moment experiments that hurt or possibly even kill their plants. Always take a second to google your idea before you try it. Luckily when it comes to growing cannabis, there is a good chance that someone has tried it already!
  2. The next most common problem new growers have is the tendency to skip crucial steps like understanding light schedules, or why root pH levels are important for reducing nutrient deficiencies. While you can get lucky and succeed at growing weed without taking these steps, you are a lot more likely to end up with plants that are sickly or don’t produce well. Make sure you follow all the steps listed in this guide – you deserve to harvest your own top-quality bud!
  3. Don’t re-invent the wheel! You can benefit from the mistakes of others by learning how not to make the same mistakes. Don’t be afraid to look something up or ask a fellow grower!

10-Step Beginner’s Guide to Growing Cannabis