The 5 Best Easy and Free Fabric Face Mask Patterns including the Olson Mask Pattern

Best easy and free face mask patterns

Learn how to sew a face mask from fabric to keep yourself and the people around you safe! These 5 free face mask patterns use easy to find fabrics and can be sewn up in just a few minutes. Even if you are new to sewing – this is a great project for beginners too.

Handmade face masks are still important! Even if they are not required everywhere, you may still want to carry a few face masks in your purse or car for those situations when you feel unsure and want to feel safer. And I think we’ve all learned by now that fabric face masks last longer and are more comfortable to wear than the paper kind.

If you choose to be vaccinated, you can sew a pretty Vaccination Card Holder Wallet to keep your record in.

how to sew face masks

This list of the 5 best face mask patterns includes the hospital approved Olson Pattern, a very similar adaption that I designed for using adjustable mask elastic ties, the traditional pleated style face mask pattern, a gaiter-style face mask pattern that many men prefer, plus a soft and stretchy mask that is easy to breathe through.

Classic Free Face Mask Patterns

The first tutorial below is the one that have used to make many masks – it’s my favorite.. I have made my own filters using Filti face mask material.

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My sister in law is a hospital nurse and she asked me to sew her some fabric masks using the Olson Mask Pattern. She says it’s the only one her hospital approves. The free PDF is a little bit tricky to follow, so I emailed the author and obtained permission to photograph the process and write an easy to understand blog tutorial showing how to sew a fabric face mask and a fast and easy video tutorial.

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If you’d rather have a pleated fabric face mask, here’s a great design with a filter pocket. Of course, you can skip the filter if you prefer – the pocket is invisible while you’re wearing the mask. This style is my second favorite. 🙂

Free Patterns for other Face Mask Designs

Another style of face mask that is becoming more and more popular is the Gaitor Face Mask Pattern. It can also be worn as a scarf or headband, which gives you more flexibility. Men seem to like this style better, too – including my husband.

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If you find it hard to breathe through face masks that include a filter pocket, try my Soft and Stretchy Face Mask Pattern with just 2 layers of lightweight fabric.


My sewing machine does embroidery also, so I tested out a few in-the-hoop machine embroidery mask designs. This one is by far my favorite. It’s easy to make and comfortable to wear, plus I love the swans! The designer has some child size mask designs in her shop too.

I gathered some new information about cloth masks from the CDC website. It says:

Multi-layer cloth masks can both block up to 50-70% of these fine droplets and particles and limit the forward spread of those that are not captured. Upwards of 80% blockage has been achieved in human experiments that have measured blocking of all respiratory droplets, with cloth masks in some studies performing on par with surgical masks as barriers for source control.

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Finally, you’ll need a Face Mask Wallet to carry your masks and other essentials with you!

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Most of all… Stay calm and sew on!