Return to Work Letter Template

Invite a temporarily released or laid-off employee to come back to work with a Return to Work Letter.

Recall to Work Letter Template

Published May 3, 2023
Written by Josh Sainsbury | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A growing business is a good thing, and it’s even better when you can recall workers who already know how things operate.

Learn more about Return to Work Letters, why you need them, and how to structure them. You can also view a sample Return Back to Work Letter to help you draft the perfect letter for your business.

What Is a Return to Work Letter?

A Return Back to Work Letter invites an employee who has been temporarily released (furloughed) or laid off from the job to return to work.

In addition to bringing staff back to work when the time is right, this letter serves as an opportunity for an employer to define new terms of employment, such as full-time versus part-time and other schedule or benefits changes.

When To Use a Return to Work Letter

The best time to use a Return to Work Letter is when:

How To Write a Return to Work Letter

Follow these steps to write your Return to Work Letter.

Step 1 – Background Information

In the upper-left corner, include your:

Below this, list the following:

Step 2 – The Introduction

Address the employee and include a one-paragraph overview of the letter’s purpose:

Step 3 – The Relevant Details

Note the following critical details:

Step 4 – Recall to Work Confirmation

Provide the employee with the necessary details to confirm their acceptance, including:

Step 5 – Closing Remarks

Provide a summation that includes the following:

Step 6: Valediction

End the letter with the following:

Return to Work Letter Sample

Use Legal Templates to draft the perfect Return to Work Letter for your returning employees.

Recall to Work Letter Template

Recall to Work Letter Template

Create a Recall to Work Letter here!

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Recall to Work Letter Template

The document above is a sample. Please note that the language you see here may change depending on your answers to the document questionnaire.